CDx Agenda

More than a conventional conference, CDx will engage with audiences in a meaningful conversation about decarbonization topics.

Agenda at a Glance

October 1

08:30 AM - 09:00 AM

Registration and Coffee

08:30 AM - 09:00 AM

Plenary Session

Welcome and Introduction to CDx
09:15 AM - 09:30 AM

Special Address

Setting the Stage: The Decarbonization Imperative in Southeast Asia
09:30 AM - 10:30 AM

MODULE 1: Understanding the State of Play
Town Hall Discussion

Decarbonization and Corporate Priorities: Four Actors and Their Perspective

Join us for the first Town Hall Discussion of the Southeast Asia Corporate Decarbonization Exchange (CDx), where we will explore the critical intersection of corporate business priorities and decarbonization efforts.

This session aims to illuminate the unique climate challenges and opportunities faced by businesses in Southeast Asia, in light of the fact that the corporate sector has a major role in meeting national emissions reduction targets. In this Town Hall format.

CDx participants will have a chance to ask questions of these experts and industry leaders and to gain valuable insights into designing, implementing, and financing decarbonization initiatives within large and SME corporations.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding and drive meaningful change in your organization!

Key questions will include:

  • How are different industries in Asia currently contributing to national emissions reduction targets,
    and what are the primary challenges they face?
  • In what ways are investor and consumer sentiments shifting towards favoring decarbonized
    businesses in Southeast Asia, and to what extent will these sentiments be a market driver?
  • What are the emerging policy and supply chain demands that are driving the urgency for
    decarbonization within the corporate sector?
  • How can companies identify and measure their organizational carbon footprints most effectively?
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Mid-morning Break

11:00 AM -
12:15 PM

MODULE 1: Understanding the State of Play
Learning and Exchange Breakout Session

Get Started with Setting Ambitious and Realistic Target against Your Baseline:
-  Measuring and monitoring current greenhouse gas emissions
-  Setting and communicating realistic decarbonization targets

Measurement & Baselining

Fishbowl Session 1 aims to equip participants with the foundational knowledge needed to start their corporate decarbonization journey with confidence.

Learning Objectives:

  • Regulatory and Business Drivers: Understanding the regulatory and business drivers for corporates to measure GHG emissions reductions and develop baselines.
  • Emission Scopes: Have a familiarity with the three main scopes of emissions:
    • Scope 1: Direct emissions from owned or controlled sources
    • Scope 2: Indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heating, and cooling
    • Scope 3: Indirect emissions that occur in a company’s value chain, including both upstream and downstream emissions.
  • Basic Steps in Establishing a Baseline Emissions Inventory: How corporates can calculate their baseline emissions by documenting all significant sources of greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Standardized Methods: Awareness of the need to follow standardized protocols for quantifying emissions, such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, as this ensures consistency and comparability in emissions data.

Target Setting

This session will focus on effective target setting for corporate emission reduction strategies, starting with how to navigate existing frameworks and align their goals with industry-specific guidelines and standards, such as those provided by the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi). The session will also cover the importance of balancing long-term and short-term targets, and how to establish interim milestones to ensure steady progress. Attendees will leave with a clearer understanding of how to set achievable, science-backed decarbonization goals that comply with regulatory demands and meet industry best practices and the demands of global climate change.

Learning Objectives:

  • Assessing and understanding the relevant laws and regulations in my country and internationally.
  • Industry-specific guidelines and standards that should be considered, such as those provided by the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
  • The different considerations in setting long-term and short-term targets, and interim milestones,
  • The process of moving from target setting to implementation, and how to adjust if targets are not being achieved.

October 1

01:30 PM - 02:45 PM

Module 2: Planning Decarbonization Pathways

Policy discussions focused on potential decarbonization strategies tailored for diverse sectors.
The focus will be on defining and measuring organizational carbon footprints, alternative actions for decarbonization across various energy sectors/other projects, and carbon offsetting.

Learning and Exchange Breakout Session

Energy Technology Options: Charting Your Decarbonization Pathway

Energy Efficiency

Policy discussions focused on potential decarbonization strategies tailored for diverse sectors.
The focus will be on defining and measuring organizational carbon footprints, alternative actions for decarbonization across various energy sectors/other projects, and carbon offsetting.

Learning Objectives:

  • The role of EE as part of corporate decarbonization plans
  • Potential key components and technologies for Energy Efficiency program design  
  • Likely barriers and internal resistance to further energy efficiency actions

Renewable Energy Installations

This session will delve into the role of renewable energy (RE) installations in advancing corporate decarbonization goals. Participants will gain an understanding of various energy technology options, the process of selecting and implementing these technologies, and common pitfalls in project development. Key discussion points include the direct contributions of RE projects to decarbonization plans, potential issues and challenges in installing RE systems at corporate facilities, and available support for designing and developing these projects. Attendees will leave with practical insights into optimizing renewable energy investments and navigating the complexities of project execution.

Key questions will include:

  • How much can RE projects directly contributeto decarbonization plans?
  • What are the pitfalls and issues to considerin RE installations at my premises?
  • What support is available for me to design and developprojects?

Purchasing Offsite RenewableEnergy

This session will focus on strategies for companies looking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the cost-effective procurement of renewable energy.

Attendees will gain insights into how to engage with energy markets to secure renewable power at the lowest cost and explore various bulk procurement models, such as power purchase agreements (PPAs) and buyers' alliances. The session will also cover the necessary in-house skills and capacities needed to successfully navigate renewable energy markets, as well as the market barriers companies may face, such as regulatory challenges, financial limitations, and market complexities.

Learning Objectives:

  • How to access and purchase RE at least cost – skills and capabilities required
  • Different RE purchasing instruments in the market, and regional differences
  • Policy actions needed to enable greater RE purchasing, and the actors making it happen

Fuel Switching and Renewable Heat

Discussions in this session will explore the range of technologies and options focused on fuel-switching and renewable heat production; the significance of heating and cooling in a corporate’s carbon footprint; and technologies available and options for decarbonizing thermal energy needs. Participants will gain an understanding of various energy technology options, the steps of selecting and implementing these technologies, and common pitfalls in project development.

Key questions will include:

  • How significant is heating (and cooling) tomy overall carbon footprint?
  • What technologies are available to decarbonize thermalenergy needs?
02:45 PM - 03:15 PM

Mid-Afternoon Networking Break

03:15 PM - 04:30 PM

Learning and Exchange Breakout Session

Non-Energy Technology Options: Charting Your Decarbonization Pathway
-  Understanding the potential of different energy technology options
-  Steps in selecting and implementing different technologies
-  Gaining insights into the pitfalls of project development

Nature-based Solutions and Decarbonization Strategy

Learning Objectives:

  • The role of nature-based solutions in decarbonization strategy, and different options for action
  • High-integrity’ solutions, including social and environmental dimensions
  • Certification and measurement systems that ensure nature-based offsets are credible
  • The role of government support for nature-based decarbonization projects, and alignment between government and corporate strategies

Galvanizing Employees to Support Decarbonization Plans and Actions

Key questions will include:

  • What are the strategies for adopting holistic emissions reduction policy?
  • What is the role of employee behaviour in overalldecarbonization plans?

Addressing Scope 3 Emissions

Key questions will include:

  • How do we understand and define Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions?
  • What are the approaches and experiences with regard to internal carbon pricing in businesses?
04:30 PM - 05:30 PM

“The Great Offsets Debate": Navigating the Landscape to Credible Carbon Offsetting

This session will tackle key issues related to market sentiments towards carbon credits/offsets.
‍Learn from experts aboutthe issues and pitfalls in assessing offset quality

Key questions will include:

  • Carbon offsetting: a sustainable solution or a corporate cop-out?
  • Role of offsets in a comprehensive decarbonization strategy
  • Financial and operational challenges that SMEs face in purchasingoffsets to meet decarbonization targets
  • Avoiding potential backlash against companies over-promoting outcomes oftheir sustainability and offsetting efforts
05:30 PM -
07:00 PM

Networking Reception

October 2

08:30 AM - 09:00 AM

Registration and Coffee

09:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Module 3: Project Execution and Securing Finance

Town Hall Discussion on Developing Investable Projects for Corporate Decarbonization

This session will focus on the multifaceted challenges and strategies associated with implementing decarbonization projects, particularly within corporate supply chains.

Key objectives include understanding the impact of EU carbon disclosure requirements and TCFD on Southeast Asian corporates; best practices for engaging tier 2 and 3 suppliers; and the need, and approaches for securing initial financing.

Participants will learn about scaling initiatives across the value chain, the importance of experienced project owners, and effective revenue stream identification. They will also gain practical knowledge about establishing robust decarbonization projects and navigating the financial landscape to support their transition to net zero. The discussion will also cover risk management, environmental and social standards, and insights into securing funder support. Participants

Key questions will include:

  • What are the available avenues for securing commercialand concessional financial support for decarbonization projects?
  • How can companies ensure best practices indecarbonization deployment and project development?
  • What challenges do companies face in obtaining the necessary financingfor decarbonization, and how can these be overcome?
10:30 AM - 10:45 AM

Mid-morning Break

10:45 AM -
12:00 PM

Learning and Exchange Breakout Session

Working with Suppliers on Solutions Procurement

Measurement & Baselining

Fishbowl 10 will delve into the Energy Service Company (ESCO) model, focusing on its approach to financing and risk-sharing in energy efficiency projects. Participants will gain a deep understanding of how ESCOs operate by funding energy-saving measures upfront and sharing the cost savings with the client over time.

The session will also explore the various measures an ESCO can implement, such as lighting retrofits, HVAC upgrades, and energy management systems, and how these align with broader corporate sustainability goals. Additionally, key contractual terms will be discussed, including performance guarantees, service timelines, and savings verification, ensuring participants are well-versed in securing beneficial agreements with ESCOs.

Key questions will include:

  • How do we go about measuring Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions and establishing a clear baseline for
    each category
  • How do we ensure accurate measurement and reporting of emissions data?
  • What sort of companies can provide services to develop our carbon footprint and help us
    develop our baseline?

Negotiating PPAs and Renewable Energy Procurement

This session will provide a comprehensive overview of the legal, regulatory, and operational factors involved in procuring renewable energy, with a focus on Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs).

Key discussions:

  • Different types of PPAs, such as physical and virtual agreements, and how to select the one that best aligns with their company’s energy needs and sustainability goals.
  • The financial implications of PPAs, including their effect on a company’s balance sheet, long-term cost stability, and risk profile
  • How organizations make informed decisions to optimize both environmental impact and financial performance.

Purchasing RE or Other Carbon Offsets

Discussions in Fishbowl 12 will cover the complexities of acquiring renewable energy (RE) and carbon credits. Contributors in the session will describe the fundamental differences between RE credits (RECS) as a tracking tool and carbon credits as an offset tool.  Discussions will cover the quality and credibility of RE and carbon offset projects, emphasizing the importance of robust verification processes.

Participants will gain insights into best practices for ensuring the effectiveness and integrity of their RECs and carbon credit purchases, enabling them to make more informed and thoughtful decisions as a part of their decarbonization strategies.

Key discussion points included navigating cross-border transactions, understanding the role of third parties, and evaluating the long-term impacts and co-benefits associated with various projects.

12:00 PM - 01:00 PM

Transition Finance and Corporate Decarbonization: a Financier Perspective

This session will explore the critical role of transition finance in supporting corporate decarbonization efforts from a financier’s perspective.  

Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of how transition finance operates in practice and learn about the various sources of finance that can support their decarbonization goals.

Key topics will include:

  • Criteria financiers use to evaluate decarbonization projects; strategies for managing the phase-out of coal plants and other sectors
  • Available financial support programs, including concessional finance.
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM

Networking Lunch

October 2

01:00 PM - 02:00 PM

Networking Lunch

02:00 PM - 03:15 PM

Module 4: Reporting & Brand Visibility

Guidance on reporting requirements, transparent decarbonization communication, and optimizing initiatives for credibility, visibility and brand value.

Learning and Exchange Breakout Session

Learn Reporting Regimes and Compliance Requirements

Best Practice in ESG Reporting

‍This session will delve into current ESG reporting frameworks and standards and explore strategies for reporting against measurable targets to reduce emissions.

The session will support the learning objective of helping to understand how to communicate decarbonization efforts both internally and externally, and to ensure strong reception from investors, consumers, and suppliers.

Participants will have the opportunity to contribute to the discussion, offering their perspectives and recommendations.

Compliance Requirements

This session will provide an overview of emission reduction regulations currently applicable to industry sectors, focusing on how companies can ensure compliance with existing legal frameworks.

Participants will gain insights into emerging regulatory areas, particularly the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), which aims to address carbon leakage by placing tariffs on imports based on their carbon footprint.

The session will explore how businesses can prepare for CBAM and practical strategies for navigating evolving regulations, ensuring they remain competitive while meeting stringent decarbonization targets.

03:15 PM - 03:45 PM

Mid-Afternoon Break

03:45 PM - 05:00 PM

Learning and Exchange Breakout Session

Guidance on optimizing initiatives for credibility, visibility and brand value.

Building Internal and Stakeholder Support

In this session, participants will share their experience and learning about effective strategies for managing organizational change in light of corporate decarbonization efforts.

Learning Objectives:

  • Aligning employees and stakeholders with decarbonization goals
  • Ensuring a positive reception from investors, consumers, and suppliers; and addressing resourcing and training needs.

Participants will gain practical insights into creating a cohesive change management plan that fosters commitment and achieves greater traction for their decarbonization projects.

Avoiding Greenwashing

Discussions in this session will be on strategies to avoid greenwashing and effectively communicate decarbonization efforts. The session will cover techniques for engaging with investors, consumers, and suppliers to garner support and positive reception for decarbonization initiatives.

Key areas of discussion will include:

  • How to accurately and transparently present emissions data and reduction claims, ensuring that these are both credible and compelling.
  • Practical insights on enhancing communication strategies and stakeholder engagement to reinforce the integrity and impact of their sustainability commitments.
05:00 PM - 05:45 PM

Designing the CDx Platform:
– from strategy to action through skills and capacity for the future

  • Summarizing lessons learned and key takeaways - event evaluation
  • Identifying shortfalls in capacity to act on decarbonization, for future learning
  • Introduction to ongoing plans for CDx as a learning and knowledge exchange platform
  • Understanding key ongoing activities to be pursued by CDx, and delivery format
05:45 PM - 06:00 PM

Closing Remarks and End of Program