Eva Kelly Oberender



Eva Kelly is an expert in renewable energy financing and climate change policy with a deep understanding and proven industry experience in the clean energy sector. As CEO, she is driving forward REEEP’s mission to accelerate reliable and affordable clean energy solutions in low- and middle-income countries for the benefit of last-mile customers and the most vulnerable populations. Eva's rich professional background spans the private, non-governmental, and governmental sectors, equipping her with a comprehensive understanding of these sectors’ diverse needs and agendas. She possesses extensive knowledge in market development for clean energy services and productive use of renewable energy, climate policy and the energy transition, access to finance for clean energy SMEs, and risk mitigation for financial institutions, among others.Previously, Eva spearheaded REEEP’s Southeast Asia and Pacific Regional Secretariat based in Melbourne, where she was a vocal champion for renewable energy and energy efficiency policy in Pacific Islands. She has held notable positions at Australia's Clean Energy Council and the Federal Department of the Environment, focusing on energy efficiency regulation. In addition to leading REEEP, she is on the management team overseeing the Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN). She holds degrees in economics, linguistics, and environmental policy.