Madura Watanagase is the Manager for Competitive Procurement at USAID Southeast Asia’s Smart Power Program (SPP). Her main role at SPP is to establish a Center for Competitive Procurement, which will serve as a one-stop-shop for resources and assistance on procuring energy and energy services. She is also part of the team that oversees the Corporate Clean Energy Alliance, a USAID initiative that brings together like-minded corporations to share ideas, strategize, and advocate for policy that expands opportunities for clean energy investment and procurement. Before joining SPP, Madura worked on its predecessor program, USAID Clean Power Asia, which supported the government of Laos to design the country’s first solar pilot auction. As an RE policy specialist, she developed the evaluation criteria for the solar pilot auction. Prior to entering the energy field, Madura was an economic research assistant at the Federal Reserve Board and consultant at the World Bank, respectively. Madura holds a B.A. Hons in Economics from Williams College and an M.A. in International Development from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.