Piya Kerdlap

Founder & Managing Director

PXP Sustainability

Piya is a sustainability scientist and international development professional. His passion lies in creating evidence-based insights and facilitating projects and programs to shift mindsets and create outcomes that can help bring Earth back within the planetary boundaries while meeting the fundamental needs of society. His primary expertise is in life cycle assessment and its application in sustainable production and consumption, clean energy technologies, and circular economy. Piya is also experienced in conducting financial and economic analysis and reviews of policies and business trends across a variety of industries. Since 2011, Piya has been providing technical research, analysis, and consulting services to government agencies, donor organizations, small-medium and large companies, and non-profit organizations operating in Southeast Asia. Currently, Piya runs a consulting company called PXP Sustainability that conducts research and analysis and organizes events to assist businesses, non-profit organizations, and development agencies in Asia measure sustainability and create insights to support decision-making, planning, and advocacy.