Shabbir H. Gheewala


The Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment

Professor Shabbir H. Gheewala is a full professor at the Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment (JGSEE), Thailand where he teaches Life Cycle Assessment and has led the Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment Lab for over 22 years. His research focuses on sustainability assessment of energy systems; sustainability indicators; circular economy; and certification issues in biofuels and the agro-industry. He is a national expert on life cycle inventory as well as product carbon and water footprinting in Thailand. He mentors the research network on sustainability assessment and policy for food, fuel and climate change in Thailand. Along with graduate teaching and research, Prof. Shabbir has worked extensively with industry in Thailand providing training and consultancy to scores of companies with aspirations towards improvements in sustainability.

He has been ranked #5 in the world in LCA by ScholarGPSTM (2024) and as one of the world’s top 1000 most influential climate scientists (Reuter’s Hot List 2021). He has been in the world's top 1% of the most-cited researchers in “earth and environmental sciences” since 2020 onwards. In 2022, he was awarded the “Mahidol Science Environment & Sustainability Award”. With over 350 papers in peer reviewed journals and a Scopus h-index of 55, he is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environment, Specialty Chief Editor of Quantitative Sustainability Assessment at Frontiers in Sustainability, and on the editorial boards of the Sustainable Production and Consumption (Elsevier), International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (Springer), and a host of other international and national journals.